Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a statute of limitations on executing my judgment?

Yes. Judgments must be executed within 5 to 20 years, depending on your state. Petitioning the court can extend the time limit.

Can I collect interest on my unpaid judgment?

Yes. Interest began accruing the day your judgment was issued. The rate varies from state to state. Your judgment may be worth significantly more today than the day it was issued.

Why shouldn’t I use an attorney to collect my judgment?

You can, if you are willing to put down a retainer, and pay a fee of between $150 and $225 per hour. With our service, you pay only if we collect.

Is there any guarantee you will collect on my judgment?

No. Sometimes there are simply no assets to seize. But, you can be sure we will do our best because we only get paid if we collect.

Must I pay for the expenses incurred in enforcing my judgment?

No. We advance the cost of all expenses incurred in collection. The expenses are then deducted from the judgment settlement before it is divided. Finally, we petition the court to have the amount of your judgment increased by the amount of the expenses, so your debtor is ultimately forced to pay them.

How does all this work?

First, we complete an agreement specifying how collected funds are to be distributed and disbursed. Then, you assign your judgment to us, making us the judgment creditor of record. Once we have filed your assignment with the court, we can legally take the steps necessary to enforce collection.

How long before I actually see results?

It all depends on the difficulty in locating your debtor and the difficulty in uncovering the assets. You can typically expect to see preliminary results within 60 days

I have a judgment awarded in one state against a debtor who resides in another state. Can you help?

Yes. As long as your judgment was not a “default” judgment, meaning the defendant did not appear in court. If the judgment was awarded by default in other than a Federal court and the defendant has moved to another state, you should consult an attorney concerning enforcement.

I’m sold! What is my next step?

Just complete the short online application. We will contact you by telephone, and send the necessary documents for your approval. On receipt of the signed documents, we will immediately initiate collection.

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